The Impact of Female Insurance Adjusters in Insurance Claims

Last Updated on June 17, 2024 by – Team

Do you know the role of female insurance adjusters in revolutionizing the insurance claims process? Learn how their unique abilities to build rapport, provide empathetic support, and make unbiased assessments benefit both insurance companies and policyholders.

Discover why having more female adjusters leads to more equitable outcomes in insurance claims.

What is an Insurance Adjuster?

The Impact of Female Insurance Adjusters in Insurance Claims

When you file an insurance claim for damages to your property or vehicle, chances are you’ll come in contact with an insurance adjuster. But what is an insurance adjuster?

In simple terms, an insurance adjuster is an individual responsible for investigating and negotiating claims with policyholders on behalf of an insurance company.

Adjusters can work for the insurance company directly or as independent contractors. Their primary job is to gather information about the claim and determine the validity of the policyholder’s claim.

Insurance adjusters typically begin by contacting the policyholder after a claim has been filed. They may ask questions about the cause of the damage, the extent of the damage, and obtain any additional information necessary for the claim.

From there, the adjuster will likely inspect the property or vehicle to assess the damage and estimate the cost of repairs.

The adjuster’s role also involves negotiating with the policyholder to determine a fair settlement for the claim.

This can include determining the scope of repairs needed and calculating the appropriate amount of compensation.

While insurance adjusters often work for the insurance company, some specialize in working independently and may contract with multiple insurance companies.

Independent adjusters are often called in for complex or large claims, providing a third-party perspective on the claim.

In addition to assessing claims, insurance adjusters play an important role in the insurance industry as they help ensure a fair balance between insurance companies and policyholders. Ultimately, the goal of an insurance adjuster is to reach a settlement that is satisfactory for both parties.

The Changing Face of the Insurance Industry

The Changing Face of the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, and one of the most notable changes has been the increased presence of female insurance adjusters.

Traditionally, this role has been dominated by men, but more and more women are entering the field and making a significant impact.

One of the reasons for this shift is the increasing recognition of the unique skillset that women bring to the table. Insurance adjusting requires a delicate balance of technical knowledge and interpersonal skills, and many believe that women are particularly well-suited to the latter.

They have a natural ability to empathize and connect with others, which can be invaluable when dealing with policyholders who are going through a difficult time.

Another factor is the growing demand for diversity and representation in all industries. Customers want to see themselves reflected in the companies with which they do business, and insurance companies are now recognizing the importance of having a diverse workforce.

As a result, they are actively seeking out more female insurance adjusters and providing them with the necessary training and support to succeed.

The impact of female insurance adjusters can be seen in the way they handle claims. They are often able to build strong relationships with policyholders and help them navigate the claims process more effectively. This can result in a faster and more satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

There are still challenges that women face in the insurance industry, such as overcoming gender biases and the need to prove themselves in a male-dominated field. However, the progress that has been made is encouraging, and it is clear that the industry is moving in the right direction.

The Role of Female Insurance Adjusters in Claims

In recent years, the insurance industry has seen a shift towards the inclusion of more female insurance adjusters in the claims process.

This shift is due in part to the recognition of the unique skill set that women bring to the table.

Insurance adjusting requires a balance of technical knowledge and interpersonal skills, and many believe that women are particularly well-equipped in the latter.

One of the key strengths that women bring to the claims process is their ability to empathize and connect with others.

Policyholders who are going through a difficult time need someone who can understand and support their needs, and female insurance adjusters are often able to build strong relationships with them. This can result in a faster and more satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

Another factor driving the demand for more female insurance adjusters is the growing demand for diversity and representation in all industries.

Customers want to see themselves reflected in the companies with which they do business, and insurance companies are recognizing the importance of having a diverse workforce.

As a result, they are actively seeking out more female insurance adjusters and providing them with the necessary training and support to succeed.

Despite the progress made, women still face challenges in the insurance industry, such as overcoming gender biases and the need to prove themselves in a male-dominated field.

However, the industry is making strides towards inclusivity and recognizing the value of a diverse workforce.

The impact of female insurance adjusters can be seen in the way they handle claims. They bring a unique perspective and skill set that can improve the overall claims process.

By recognizing the value of female insurance adjusters, the insurance industry can continue to make progress towards inclusivity and fairness for all.

Advantages of Women in Claims adjusting

Women have been steadily making headway in the insurance industry over the past few decades. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of claims adjusting.

For years, the profession was dominated by men. However, as the industry becomes increasingly aware of the value of diversity, women are being welcomed into this world with open arms.

The advantages of having women in the claiming profession cannot be overstated. When it comes to handling sensitive and emotional situations, women are known to be empathetic and nurturing.

This makes them ideal for the job of claims adjusters, as they are often tasked with dealing with customers who are going through some of the most difficult times of their lives. By being able to put themselves in the customers’ shoes, women can offer more personalized and compassionate service throughout the claims process.

Another key advantage of having women in the claims-adjusting world is the diversity of perspective they bring. Women often have different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making than men.

This increased diversity of thought can lead to better outcomes for both the policyholders and the insurance companies. Women can bring fresh ideas and approaches to the table, leading to more creative, effective solutions.

Moreover, female insurance adjusters are often highly detail-oriented and meticulous. Claims adjusting can be a complex, multi-layered process, involving extensive paperwork, legal terminology, and complex regulations.

Women’s ability for high attention to detail means that they are less likely to miss important details or overlook vital information. This, in turn, leads to a more accurate and comprehensive claims process.

Another benefit of women in the claims-adjusting profession is the fact that they are often excellent communicators. The ability to communicate effectively is vital in this profession, as insurance adjusters must be able to explain complex legal and technical concepts to policyholders who may be unfamiliar with the terminology.

Women tend to be skilled at communicating with tact, diplomacy, and sensitivity, which can help to reduce conflict and create a positive and productive environment for all involved.

Improved Communication Skills

Improved Communication Skills: How They Benefit the Insurance Industry

Effective communication is crucial in any industry, but it is particularly important in the insurance industry. Insurance policies are complex, and clients may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to process.

Insurance adjusters must be able to explain terms and concepts in a way that is clear and understandable to the policyholders.

At the same time, insurance adjusters need to communicate with other professionals within the industry, such as underwriters and agents. Effective communication ensures that everyone involved in the claims process is on the same page and working together towards a common goal.

For these reasons, insurance companies should prioritize the development of improved communication skills among their employees. Here are a few ways that improved communication can benefit the insurance industry:

  1. Build stronger relationships with clients: Good communication builds trust and confidence, which is crucial in the insurance industry. By showing clients that you are listening to them, answering their questions clearly, and addressing their concerns, you can help to create a positive client experience.
  2. Resolve conflicts more effectively: Disputes can arise in any industry, but in the insurance industry, they can be particularly high-stakes. Effective communication skills can help adjusters to de-escalate conflicts and work towards a solution that is beneficial for all parties involved.
  3. Improve efficiency and productivity: Clear communication is essential for ensuring that claims are processed accurately and in a timely manner. Insurance companies that prioritize communication can reduce errors, eliminate confusion, and streamline the claims process.
  4. Enhance collaboration: Effective communication skills allow insurance adjusters to work cooperatively with other professionals in the industry, such as underwriters and agents. By building strong relationships with these partners, adjusters can achieve better results for their clients.

In conclusion, effective communication skills are crucial for success in the insurance industry. By prioritizing communication training and development, insurance companies can improve client relationships, resolve conflicts effectively, increase efficiency and productivity, and enhance collaboration with other industry professionals.

Gender-Inclusive Work Environment

The concept of a gender-inclusive work environment has gained significant attention in recent years, highlighting the need for workplaces that promote equal opportunities and respect for all genders.

Gender inclusivity refers to an environment where all employees feel comfortable and respected, regardless of their gender identity. It’s a work culture where everyone’s voice is heard and valued, and where diversity is celebrated.

A gender-inclusive work environment is crucial for the well-being and productivity of all employees.

A recent study shows that gender-inclusive workplaces tend to have happier and more engaged employees, which in turn leads to better business outcomes. It’s important to remember that gender inclusivity goes beyond addressing just gender disparities. It also encompasses sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and other factors related to diversity.

Creating a gender-inclusive work environment requires a conscious effort from employers to eliminate stereotypes, biases, and systemic inequalities that can adversely affect individuals of certain genders.

This could include implementing changes in the workplace, such as gender-neutral restrooms, encouraging inclusive language, and promoting equal pay.

Flexible work options like remote work or work-from-home arrangements can also make a big difference in promoting gender inclusivity and work-life balance.

Employers can also foster a gender-inclusive work environment by encouraging open communication, creating space for diversity and inclusion training, and by encouraging employees to speak up and report any incidents of discrimination or harassment.

Regularly conducting diversity and inclusivity surveys can help employers better understand the needs and concerns of their employees and can serve as a means to constantly improve their work environment.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Improved customer satisfaction is essential for any business to thrive in today’s highly competitive market. In order to maintain customer loyalty, businesses must provide excellent customer service, from the initial point of contact to resolving any issues or concerns that may arise.

One of the keys to ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction is to provide personalized experiences.

This can be achieved by gathering data about individual customers and tailoring products and services to meet their specific needs.

For instance, an insurance company can use data on a customer’s claims history and driving habits to personalize their auto insurance policy with tailored deductibles, coverage limits, and premium costs that are more suited to individual needs.

Another important factor for improving customer satisfaction is to create a seamless and efficient claims process.

This can be done by providing timely and accurate assessments of damages, using digital tools to aid in the claims process, and providing regular updates to customers on the status of their claim.

Insurance adjusters, especially female adjusters, play a vital role in successfully navigating the claims process, helping customers understand their insurance policy, and making sure that the claim settlement is fair and accurate.

Furthermore, customers value transparency and honesty from their insurance provider. Insurance companies can improve customer satisfaction by providing clear and concise information about their insurance policies, including any potential limitations and exclusions. This can prevent misunderstandings and confusion, leading to a smoother claims process and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages of Women in Claims Adjusting

As much as we would like to believe that gender equality has been achieved in every industry, the unfortunate truth is that biases and stereotypes still exist. The insurance industry is no exception, and women in claims adjusting often face unique challenges and disadvantages that can affect their career advancement and opportunities for success.

One of the primary disadvantages women face in claims adjusting is the assumption that they lack technical knowledge and expertise. This stereotype often results in women being overlooked for job promotions and leadership positions, regardless of their qualifications or experience. Male colleagues may also underestimate or dismiss their opinions, leading to a lack of respect and trust in their abilities as adjusters.

Another challenge facing women in claims adjusting is the lack of female representation in leadership roles. Gender bias in hiring and promotion processes can result in a predominantly male leadership team, which can perpetuate negative stereotypes and hinder the advancement of female employees. The absence of female role models and mentors can also make it harder for women to break through the glass ceiling and reach their full potential in the industry.

Women in claims adjusting also face unique challenges when it comes to balancing their work and personal lives. The job often requires long hours, travel, and being away from family for extended periods. This can be particularly difficult for women who are primary caregivers or have other family responsibilities to manage. As a result, female adjusters may face the difficult choice of sacrificing their family life for their career advancement or vice versa.

Finally, women in claims adjusting also have to contend with issues of workplace harassment and discrimination. Sexual harassment, in particular, is a pervasive problem in many industries, including insurance. Some women may be subjected to inappropriate comments or actions by colleagues or superiors, which can create a hostile work environment and impact their mental and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, women in claims adjusting face numerous hurdles and disadvantages that can affect their professional growth and success. To address these challenges, we must work harder to promote gender equality in the industry, eliminate biases and stereotypes, and create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Only then can we truly empower women to reach their full potential as claims adjusters and leaders in the insurance industry.

Limited Opportunities for Advancement

One of the biggest challenges facing female insurance adjusters is the limited opportunities for career advancement. Despite their qualifications and experience, women still face numerous barriers to progress within the industry.

Gender bias and discrimination are common factors that often hinder women’s career growth. Even in the 21st century, women are still greatly underrepresented in leadership positions in the insurance industry. This lack of representation not only perpetuates negative stereotypes about women’s abilities but also creates a systemic problem that prevents female adjusters from reaching their full potential.

Limited access to training and mentorship programs is another issue that affects female adjusters’ career advancement. Many companies overlook or fail to provide necessary resources to support women’s career development, such as training and guidance programs that can help them acquire the skills and knowledge required for leadership positions.

Additionally, women often face challenges associated with juggling work-life balance and managing familial responsibilities. The long hours and extensive travel required in the claims adjusting profession can make it more difficult for women to balance their work and personal lives. This can leave female adjusters with less time and energy to devote to career advancement.

Furthermore, workplace harassment and discrimination can also impact women’s ability to progress in their careers. Sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination can leave female insurance adjusters feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and unrecognized for their contributions. This can lead to a lack of motivation and self-confidence, making it harder for them to advance their careers.

In conclusion, the limited opportunities for advancement are a significant barrier for female insurance adjusters. Companies must take bold steps to address these challenges, including creating leadership development programs, providing mentorship opportunities, and promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion. By doing so, the insurance industry can attract and maintain top talent, fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace where women can thrive.

Gender Bias and Discrimination Challenges

Gender bias and discrimination have long been prevalent issues in various industries, including the insurance sector. Although there have been significant strides made towards gender equality, there are still challenges that female insurance adjusters face due to discrimination and bias.

One of the significant issues is a lack of representation of women in leadership positions in the insurance industry. Despite women making up almost half of the workforce in the insurance industry, only a small percentage of them hold executive positions or serve on boards. This lack of representation not only perpetuates negative stereotypes about women’s abilities but also creates a systemic problem that prevents female adjusters from reaching their full potential.

Moreover, women also face challenges in accessing training and mentorship programs. Many companies overlook or fail to provide necessary resources to support women’s career development, such as training and guidance programs that can help them acquire the skills and knowledge required for leadership positions. This not only impacts their career growth but also perpetuates gender bias and discrimination in the industry.

In addition to this, women often face challenges associated with juggling work-life balance and managing familial responsibilities. The long hours and extensive travel required in the claims adjusting profession can make it more difficult for women to balance their work and personal lives. This can leave female adjusters with less time and energy to devote to career advancement.

Furthermore, workplace harassment and discrimination can also impact women’s ability to progress in their careers. Sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination can leave female insurance adjusters feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and unrecognized for their contributions. This can lead to a lack of motivation and self-confidence, making it harder for them to advance their careers.

In conclusion, gender bias and discrimination pose significant challenges for female insurance adjusters. Addressing these challenges and promoting gender equality in the insurance industry is crucial to creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace that values the contributions of all individuals regardless of gender. Companies must prioritize creating an equal and supportive workplace environment that empowers all employees, regardless of gender, to reach their full potential.

Lack of Recognition for Their Achievements

One issue facing female insurance adjusters in the industry is a lack of recognition for their achievements. Despite often facing the same challenges and obstacles as their male counterparts, women are often overlooked and disregarded for their contributions in the field. This lack of recognition not only impacts their self-esteem and motivation but also perpetuates gender bias and discrimination in the industry.

One contributing factor to this issue is the lack of diversity in leadership positions. With executive positions and board seats still largely dominated by men, women may not have those in power recognizing their efforts and accomplishments. Additionally, traditional gender roles and biases may lead to women being undervalued or dismissed in a male-dominated industry.

Another contributing factor is the gender pay gap. According to a study by the National Women’s Law Center, women in the United States make only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, on average. This disparity can further perpetuate the perception that women are less valuable in the workplace and can lead to a lack of recognition for their achievements.

The lack of recognition for women’s achievements in the insurance industry not only impacts their personal and professional growth but also has broader implications for the industry as a whole. By limiting opportunities for women, companies miss out on the diverse perspectives and skills that women bring to the table. This can, in turn, hinder innovation and progress within the industry.

To address this issue, companies must take steps to increase diversity in leadership positions and create an inclusive workplace culture where all employees are valued and recognized for their contributions. This could include implementing unconscious bias training for managers and executives, offering mentorship and professional development opportunities for women, and ensuring that there is pay equity across gender lines.

In conclusion, the lack of recognition for their achievements is a significant issue facing female insurance adjusters. Efforts must be made to address this issue to ensure that women are valued and recognized for their contributions to the industry. By fostering a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture, the industry can not only promote equal opportunities but also drive innovation and success.

Impact on the Insurance Industry as a Whole

The impact of female insurance adjusters on the insurance industry as a whole is significant. With more women joining the industry and taking on roles as adjusters, there is a greater diversity of perspectives and skills. This diversity can lead to innovation and progress within the industry, allowing insurance companies to better serve their clients.

One area where female adjusters have made a specific impact is in the handling of property damage claims. Women are often seen as more empathetic and detail-oriented, which can be particularly helpful in assessing damage to structures and making estimates for repairs. This attention to detail can lead to a more accurate and fair claims process for policyholders.

Additionally, female adjusters have also made an impact in the area of natural disasters. With more frequent and severe weather events impacting communities, the role of insurance adjusters in disaster recovery has become more important than ever. Women, who are often seen as better communicators and collaborators, can play a vital role in coordinating with disaster recovery consultants and other stakeholders to ensure a speedy and successful recovery process.

However, it is important to note that the impact of female insurance adjusters goes beyond just their individual contributions. By increasing the representation of women in leadership positions and creating a more inclusive workplace culture, insurance companies can better serve the needs of all their clients. This means not only recognizing the value of female adjusters but also providing equal opportunities and recognizing the achievements of women throughout the industry.

In conclusion, the impact of female insurance adjusters cannot be understated. By bringing diversity of thought, skill, and perspective to the industry, they are driving innovation and progress. Insurance companies must continue to prioritize diversity and inclusivity in their hiring practices and workplace culture to fully realize the benefits of having women in leadership positions and adjuster roles.

Increased Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

One of the most significant changes we’ve seen in recent years is a focus on increased diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Many businesses are recognizing the value of a diverse workforce, not only in terms of the social benefits, but also in the economic advantages it brings. Companies with higher levels of diversity and inclusion tend to perform better, attract more customers, and retain their staff for longer periods.

One important aspect of increasing diversity is that it leads to a broader range of skills and perspectives. For instance, diversity in age, gender, race, and other characteristics can lead to more innovative and creative ideas, as people from different backgrounds bring unique experiences and viewpoints to the table. In a sales setting, for example, having employees of different ages and cultures can give a company a competitive edge because they can better relate to their customers. Being inclusive means that everyone feels valued for their contributions and can work together productively towards the company’s goals.

Another crucial element of diversity and inclusion is that it creates a sense of fairness and equality. For too long, some groups have been overlooked or marginalized, leading to underrepresentation in certain industries. By actively recruiting and promoting people from diverse backgrounds, companies can create a more equitable workplace that recognizes the value of every individual. This includes removing barriers to entry for marginalized groups, supporting diversity in leadership positions, and offering mentorship and training to employees from underrepresented backgrounds.

Finally, it is important to recognize that promoting diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative, but also a business imperative. Companies that prioritize diversity tend to enjoy better financial performance, increased customer satisfaction and retention, and higher levels of job satisfaction among their employees. On the other hand, companies that fail to address issues related to diversity and inclusion will likely miss out on the many benefits that come with having a diverse and inclusive workplace.

In conclusion, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is essential. It leads to greater innovation, better performance, and a more equitable, fair work environment that values every individual. By embracing diversity and making it a priority, businesses can be well-positioned to meet the challenges of the future and to lead their industries in a changing marketplace.

Emphasis on Quality Customer Service

In today’s business world, quality customer service has become a critical aspect for companies looking to gain a competitive edge and retain loyal customers. With the power of social media and online reviews, customers can easily share their experiences with others, making it more important than ever for companies to prioritize the quality of their customer service.

So why is quality customer service so important? First and foremost, it can greatly impact the overall customer experience. A customer who has a positive interaction with a company’s customer service team is more likely to feel satisfied and have a favorable view of the company as a whole. On the other hand, a negative interaction can leave a lasting impression and deter customers from returning in the future.

Additionally, quality customer service can lead to increased brand loyalty. A customer who feels valued and appreciated by a company is more likely to continue doing business with them and recommend their products or services to others. This can ultimately lead to increased revenue and a positive reputation for the company.

To prioritize quality customer service, companies must first invest in their customer service team. This includes providing comprehensive training on best practices for communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Companies should also empower their customer service team to make decisions and offer solutions to customer issues, rather than simply following a set script.

Another way to emphasize quality customer service is through the use of technology. Digital tools such as chatbots, customer service software, and social media management platforms can streamline and personalize the customer service experience. By offering customers a range of communication channels and responding quickly to inquiries and complaints, companies can build trust and loyalty with their customers.

Ultimately, quality customer service should be an ongoing priority for all companies, regardless of size or industry. By investing in their customer service team and utilizing technology to enhance the customer experience, companies can build long-lasting relationships with their customers and set themselves apart in a crowded market.

Increased Efficiency and Lower Costs

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs. However, achieving these goals is often easier said than done. Fortunately, advances in technology and innovative business practices have made it possible for companies to achieve both objectives simultaneously.

One area where businesses can focus their efforts is on streamlining their operations. By eliminating unnecessary steps and automating certain tasks, businesses can reduce the time and resources required to perform certain functions. For example, implementing an automated invoicing system can save businesses hours of time each week that would otherwise be spent on manual data entry. This not only reduces costs, but also frees up employees to focus on more valuable tasks that require human input.

Another way businesses can increase efficiency is by adopting lean methodologies. Lean is all about minimizing waste and maximizing value, which can be accomplished by scrutinizing every step in a process to identify areas where improvements can be made. By optimizing processes to eliminate waste, businesses can reduce costs and increase efficiency at the same time.

Technology can also play a role in improving efficiency and reducing costs. For example, moving to cloud-based solutions for data storage and collaboration can reduce hardware and maintenance costs, while also allowing employees to work from anywhere at any time. Similarly, using software tools to automate common tasks, such as scheduling and project management, can reduce administrative time and costs.

Finally, outsourcing certain functions to specialized service providers can also help businesses increase efficiency and reduce costs. Rather than dedicating internal resources to non-core functions, businesses can outsource these tasks to external providers who specialize in those areas. This can often be more cost-effective and can free up internal resources to focus on core business activities.


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What is the focus of this blog post on female insurance adjusters?

This blog post specifically explores the impact that female insurance adjusters have on insurance claims. It discusses various factors like their approach, communication skills, and understanding of policyholders’ needs, and how these might potentially affect claim outcomes.

Are there significant differences in how male and female insurance adjusters handle claims?

This can vary widely depending on individual skills and experience. However, the blog post discusses some studies and anecdotal evidence suggesting that female adjusters might approach claims with a different perspective, which can affect the claim resolution process and outcomes.

What is an insurance adjuster?

An insurance adjuster is a professional who works for an insurance company to evaluate an insurance claim. They are responsible for assessing the damage, determining the cost of repairs or replacement, and deciding the amount the insurance company should pay for the claim.

Does the gender of an insurance adjuster affect the settlement amount

The settlement amount should technically not be influenced by the adjuster’s gender but rather by the facts of the case and the terms of the insurance policy. However, different communication styles, empathy levels, or problem-solving approaches might influence the negotiation and settlement process.

Does the insurance industry have a gender balance problem?

Like many industries, the insurance industry has historically been male-dominated, especially in leadership roles. However, recent years have seen a positive trend towards more gender diversity, with more women taking up roles as insurance adjusters.

How are female insurance adjusters contributing positively to the industry?

Female insurance adjusters bring unique perspectives and skills to the table. They often excel in empathy, attention to detail, and effective communication, which can lead to high client satisfaction rates and efficient claim resolutions.

How can the presence of female adjusters benefit policyholders?

Diversity in adjusters ensures a more comprehensive understanding of different policyholders’ needs. Female adjusters might be better equipped to understand and address certain situations or concerns, leading to improved claim experiences for those policyholders.

How can we encourage more women to become insurance adjusters?

Encouraging more women in this field requires a multifaceted approach, including fostering inclusive workplace cultures, providing training and growth opportunities, and promoting successful female adjusters as role models.

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